Digital Communications in the Coronavirus Crisis

ADI Health are dedicated to supporting our friends in the NHS during this difficult time. As the creators of MyPathway, a highly engaging digital communications platform, we are actively exploring ways in which we can help the NHS and social care providers to support the public through the challenges of the coronavirus crisis.
MyPathway is already supporting over 65,000 patients and service users with their routine planned care and we are working to extend this to cover communications related to coronavirus, self-management resources for those who are able to care for themselves and signposting to mental well being support.
As a result of COVID-19, NHS waiting lists have drastically increased due to postponed care. MyPathway can support your service to reduce the backlog of your waiting list, with MyPathway Waiting List Management.
If you have any questions or would like more information on how ADI Health can support you during this pandemic, please do Contact us.