About Us
MyPathway is one of the UK’s leading digital health platform providers. We work with health and care organisations to ensure patients, and everyone involved in their care, have access to the right digital tools. We create and deploy digital applications designed to allow straightforward access to NHS Services.
Our vision it is to provide all citizens with equal, immediate, and lifelong access to the very best healthcare information, support and tools throughout every step of their healthcare journey.
We help put the patient at the heart of their health and care. By improving access, we allow them to become more engaged and actively involved in their care. Our innovative, technology-enabled services provide enriched patient data which enhances clinical outcomes and decision making.
We always work in collaboration with our customers, we utilise technology to deliver better health, better care and better outcomes.

Our Story
Dr Bob Gomersall has a strong interest in disruptive businesses aimed at improving education and healthcare.
In 1985 he founded BTL, which now specialises in software and services for assessment worldwide, and subsequently set up Virtual College which provides online training, largely of a vocational nature.
His interest in healthcare started with BTL Medical, which specialised in audiometry.
ADI was set up with a brief to generate new intellectual property and working with the CEO John Eaglesham a strategy was devised to focus on new technology in healthcare.
Initially work involved projects funded under the SBRI programme aimed at developing innovative technologies for the NHS, and these led to the concept of MyPathway a patient communication, pathway management and remote monitoring platform, which is now the company’s main product. The scope of MyPathway is very broad, offering opportunities for improved patient services in a wide range of areas including waiting list management, rapidly evolving patient pathways when new techniques are emerging (as with long covid), and sector specific solutions aimed at different hospital specialities.
Bob is very proud of the improvements in patient experience that MyPathway has already brought about and is looking forward to a wide variety of innovative applications that will work for the benefit of patients in the future.