MyPathway Help & Support for TiM on MyPathway Ireland
MyPathway Help and Support
This page provides some answers to questions you may have about MyPathway.
What is TiM and MyPathway?
TiM stands for Telehealth in Motor Neurone Disease. The TiM platform is a system through which people with MND and their carers can enter data about their condition on a weekly basis. Their answers are automatically analysed and are available to their MND team, who can then take action.
We are using a company called ADI who already provides this service to other patients in Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, using a program called MyPathway. This is an NHS approved, secure system which makes sure that the information is safe and kept confidential.
MyPathway is an app that can be accessed from your smartphone, tablet or computer.
Forgotten password
If the system won’t accept your password or you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by visiting and clicking on the “Forgot password” link at the bottom. You then simply type in your email address and you should receive an email with a single-use password reset link that works for only a short period of time. The reset password link will be sent from: i-Focus Mailer <> If you don’t receive it in your inbox, please check your junk / spam mail folder.
If the system won’t accept your new password this may be because it is on the list of commonly used passwords which our system will not accept for security purposes. Please try an alternative password.
For your protection, we will not send this email to an address we do not recognise, to avoid letting someone else gain access to your account.
How do I change my email address?
To change your email address, click on ‘Profile’ in MyPathway; click on the edit icon to the right of your email address; input the new email address and click on the tick icon. For security reasons, an email will be sent to your old and new email addresses – please follow the instructions in the email.
Please note: if you registered for MyPathway via an email invitation, the email address the invite was sent to is the one held on your patient record. You may therefore also wish to let the service know of any change to your email address.
I no longer want to use MyPathway
If you no longer wish to receive emails from MyPathway about your healthcare, you can opt out of digital communications by clicking here
How do I log back in to MyPathway?
There are several ways to do this. You could do any of the following:
- Go back to the original invitation email and click the link;
- You could look in your browser history;
- You could visit care and enter your email address and password for MyPathway. When you are there you may like to bookmark it in your browser for future reference
- If you have bookmarked it before, you can just use the bookmark.
Alternatively, you can download the MyPathway app for your smartphone or tablet (Android or iOS), so that MyPathway will easily be available to you at any time.
I have technical query about the MyPathway application
If you require technical support with accessing MyPathway, please contact the app developers via email: and, if you are able to, please provide the following information as this will help them to resolve your issue more quickly:
- Explain the nature of the problem
- Include a screenshot of the problem
- Confirm what device you are using to access MyPathway
- Confirm whether you are using the web app or the phone app
- If you are using the web app: confirm what internet browser you are using
- If you are using the phone app: confirm what operating system you are using
The inbox is regularly monitored and the MyPathway Technical Support Team aim to provide a response within 2 working days.
I need help and want to speak to someone
If you need help and need to speak to someone, please contact your GP, nurse, or the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (IMNDA).
Is my information safe and confidential?
When you register to use MyPathway, the Privacy Policy is provided to you, explaining what we do with your data; you can view this at any time in the app. It can also be found by clicking on the ‘Settings’ icon in MyPathway. You can give or decline permission at any time. The data is stored securely in an NHS-approved data centre that fully complies with the EU’s GDPR and NHS requirements.
MyPathway is an NHS approved, secure system which makes sure that the information is safe and kept confidential. Information is only shared within your care team. Information given by a patient is not shared with their carer unless they give consent and vice versa. The only time information might be shared without your consent is in the very unlikely event that the team thinks serious harm might occur if they do not share this information. We will always try to talk to you first in this situation. For more information about how your information is kept private, please click on the ‘Privacy Notice (Sheffield MND)‘ link in the Information Governance section below.